Online Notepad Editor

Online Notepad

The above tool is a simple Free Online Notepad editor created using HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. It offers basic functionality for users to input, edit, and manage text, as well as perform common operations such as downloading the text as a file, copying the text to the clipboard, and clearing the text area.

Here’s a breakdown of the features and components of the tool:

  1. Textarea for Text Input:
    • The main text area allows users to input and edit text. It’s resizable and has a placeholder for guidance.
  2. Form Inputs for Filename and Extension:
    • Users can enter a filename and an extension for the file they want to download. These inputs help customize the name and type of the downloaded file.
  3. Download Button:
    • The “Download” button triggers the downloadFile function, which creates a Blob from the text content and prompts the user to download the file with the specified filename and extension.
  4. Copy Text Button:
    • The “Copy Text” button triggers the copyText function, which selects the content of the textarea and copies it to the clipboard.
  5. Clear Text Button:
    • The “Clear Text” button triggers the clearText function, which clears the content of the textarea.

To use this tool, you can save the provided HTML code into an HTML file and open it in a web browser. Users can then interact with the online notepad, entering text, customizing filenames and extensions, and performing actions like downloading and copying.

This tool could be useful for bloggers or writers who need a quick and simple online notepad for drafting or editing text, and want the convenience of downloading or copying their work easily. It’s lightweight and easy to integrate into various web applications or websites.